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public interface OnChildSelectedListener

This interface is deprecated.
Use OnChildViewHolderSelectedListener

Interface for receiving notification when a child of this ViewGroup has been selected.


Public methods

abstract void onChildSelected(ViewGroup parent, View view, int position, long id)

Callback method to be invoked when a child of this ViewGroup has been selected.

Public methods


void onChildSelected (ViewGroup parent, 
                View view, 
                int position, 
                long id)

Callback method to be invoked when a child of this ViewGroup has been selected.

parent ViewGroup: The ViewGroup where the selection happened.
view View: The view within the ViewGroup that is selected, or null if no view is selected.
position int: The position of the view in the adapter, or NO_POSITION if no view is selected.
id long: The id of the child that is selected, or NO_ID if no view is selected.
