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public interface BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener<T>
Known Indirect Subclasses

Interface for receiving notification when a row or item becomes selected. The concept of current selection is different than focus. A row or item can be selected without having focus; for example, when a row header view gains focus then the corresponding row view becomes selected.


Public methods

abstract void onItemSelected(Presenter.ViewHolder itemViewHolder, Object item, RowPresenter.ViewHolder rowViewHolder, T row)

Called when a row or a new item becomes selected.

Public methods


void onItemSelected (Presenter.ViewHolder itemViewHolder, 
                Object item, 
                RowPresenter.ViewHolder rowViewHolder, 
                T row)

Called when a row or a new item becomes selected.

For a non ListRow case, parameter item may be null. Event is fired when selection changes between rows, regardless if row view has focus or not.

For a ListRow case, parameter item is null if the list row is empty.

In the case of a grid, the row parameter is always null.

  • Row has focus: event is fired when focus changes between children of the row.
  • No row has focus: the event is fired with the currently selected row and last focused item in the row.
  • Parameters
    itemViewHolder Presenter.ViewHolder: The view holder of the item that is currently selected.
    item Object: The item that is currently selected.
    rowViewHolder RowPresenter.ViewHolder: The view holder of the row that is currently selected.
    row T: The row that is currently selected.
